Discover the Neuchâtel vineyard

The wine will have no more secret for you

Authentic Neuchâtel wines benefiting from a 2000 year history.

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Vine-related activities

Guided walk through the vineyards and the picturesque village of Auvernier

Floral aromas, fruity notes and mineral subtleties: taste the wines of Cortaillod and Bevaix in an authentic cellar.

Discover the local wines in a charming turret.

Museum, embassy of Neuchâtel vineyards and wine store in the superb Château de Boudry.

Wines, Môtiers

Enjoy delicious sparkling wines in a priory founded in the 6th century.

Cultural Heritage, Auvernier

A wildly romantic traditional winegrowing village on the north shore of Lake Neuchâtel.

Wines, La Béroche

Discover wine and vineyard accompanied by a heritage guide-interpreter.

A place to share wine in the heart of the wine-making village of Cressier.

Explore the Neuchâtel vineyards on this wine-growing itinerary between Vaumarcus and Le Landeron.

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On foot in the vineyards

Forest trails and vineyard paths take you from lake to lake.

To enjoy the fresh clean air as while strolling around Lake Neuchâtel.

Discover the history of the vine and wine in the Neuchâtel region.

Discover the history of the vine and wine in the Neuchâtel region.

Vine-related events