Neuchâtel festivals and popular celebrations

Music, stands and a festive atmosphere... discover Neuchâtel, its traditions and its people.

Neuchâtel's festivals
Festivity, Festival, Pays de Neuchâtel

Object sometimes unidentified, the puppet is rich in a thousand and one techniques.

Festivity, Festival, Bôle

Music festival in Champ-Rond on the heights of Bôle.

Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel

Discover the best in theatrical improvisation this summer at the Katch Impro Festival at the Collégiale in Neuchâtel!

Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel

The RikikiFestival team invites you to discover concerts, DJ sets and artistic performances in a summery atmosphere.

Festivity, Festival, Fleurier

From a simple aperitif discussion, over an absinthe (of course!) was born this new music festival from the Val-de-Travers called Trouble A.

Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel

The shores of Neuchâtel will be alive with sport and festivities for a weekend.

Festivity, Festival, Savagnier

The Festi'Valderuz is the biennial event for lovers of Hip-Hop culture.

Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel

First edition of the festival dedicated to Japanese culture, manga, pop culture and video games

Festivity, Festival, Saint-Blaise

A music festival on a human scale, hosting around thirty groups from the region and beyond, sharing their rich and varied worlds.

Festivity, Festival, La Vue-des-Alpes

La Vue-des-Alpes Techno Festival.

Neuchâtel's popular festivals
Festivity, Festival, Cornaux

The village of Cornaux lights up with joy and festivities for the long-awaited Fête du Soleil!

Festivity, Festival, Colombier (NE)

Two days of festivities in Colombier with music, stalls and activities for children.

Festivity, Festival, Saint-Blaise

Dans un cadre idyllique, venez admirer plusieurs dizaines d'équipes amateurs, s'affronter à la rame sur les baleinières de sauvetage.

Festivity, Festival, Port d'Auvernier

A weekend of festivities at the Port of Auvernier, combining regattas and live concerts over the 3 days of the event.

Festivity, Festival, Buttes

Immerse yourself in the salty history of Buttes during the medieval salt festival: a timeless journey to the heart of ancestral flavours and enchanting traditions!

Festivity, Festival, Cernier, Evologia

This traditional friendly and festive gathering brings together countryfolk and city-dwellers at Evologia, the nature and culture park which is its permanent venue.

Festivity, Festival, Lignières

About sixty heifers who have spent the summer on the mountain pastures are patiently waiting to return to the farm.

Festivity, Festival, La Chaux-de-Fonds

The May festival is a widely known popular event renowned for its musical performances, the running competition for children, and the large flea market.

Festivity, Festival, Môtiers

Discover absinthe by visiting distilleries, tasting and meeting craftsmen and enthusiasts on this unique day.

Festivity, Festival, Boudry

The Boudrysia is Boudry's major biennial festival. Its aim is to make Boudry, its vineyards and its castle better known.