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This trail takes you through the landscape of the Plateau de Pleigne and its more than 1,000-year-old history.
A multitude of nature-related activities can be found in this educational park
In the Canton of Jura, iron ore has been a centuries- or even millennia-old journey which has shaped the population’s awareness.
A botanical trail lined with educational panels explaining the area’s fauna and flora.
Discover three trails complete at the ponds at Bonfols
At the foot of the great kings Topics: rising above, inspiration, letting go and experiencing relief
Leading over a relatively short distance with only gentle gradients, the Sentier des Faînes offers plenty of things to discover.
L’étang de la Gruère est une réserve naturelle.
PATH OF THE SPRINGS Themes: Fluidity, gentleness, sharing, purification
A didactic and playful trail to raise public awareness on ecology.