
In the world of horses

Saignelégier – Saignelégier

In the world of horses
In the world of horses. © Mosimann
  • Length
    • 16 km
  • Ascents | Descents
    • 278 m | 278 m
    Ascents | Descents
  • Technical | Fitness level
    • Family friendly | Easy
    Technical | Fitness level

Family-friendly loop tour Saignelégier – Les Breuleux.

"It is not always an advantage to have a sportsman for a husband. Fortunately, the countryside of the Franches-Montagnes is very varied. There are different possibilities for all levels. It was therefore no problem for me to follow my better half to Le Roselet on our first bike tour last spring. The route is actually very ‘family-friendly’!"


Good to know
Good to know
    • Saignelégier - Les Emibois - Les Breuleux, marked bike trail, follow the local road signs.
    • The route from Saignelégier to Les Breuleux is marked as bike route no 7.
  • City start
    • Saignelégier
    City end
    • Saignelégier
Etang de la Gruère
Retirement homes for horses
Nature Centre
Saignelégier - Saignelégier
Saignelégier - Saignelégier
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