A two-hour walk across the snow, by day or night.
By day or night, this enchanting route hugs the ridge, far from the madding crowds but accessible to everyone. As you wind your way through snow-covered pine trees, you'll glimpse majestic vistas of the Alps to the south and La Chaux-de-Fonds to the north.
Good to know
Good to know
- Snowshoes can be hired at the Tourism Office in La Vue des Alpes.
- City start
- La Vue des Alpes
City end- Tête de Ran
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
Related Routes
Related Routes
- Main contact
- Tourisme neuchâtelois Vue des Alpes Route de la Vue des Alpes 4 2052 La Vue des Alpes +41 32 889 68 86 info.vda@ne.ch neuchateltourisme.ch