A didactic tour to discover the fascinating history of watchmaking in St-Imier.
“The small valley of St-Imier gave birth to the great names in the watch making industry and this watch making trail led me right to the heart of a fascinating story. Between an illustrious local engraver at the court of Louis 16th and thousands of small, anonymous hands that have laboured and continued to labour for the benefit of these watch making treasures, my admiration remained boundless, as much for the work of some as the ingenuity of others.”
Good to know
Good to know
- Documentation: “St-Imier on foot” brochure, between the station and the funicular, the Watch making trail helps you to discover this fascinating story. Available in English.
- Guided tours of St-Imier for groups (in French and German)
- From St-Imier a funicular takes you up to Mt-Soleil in a couple of minutes. The direct walk from the train station to the funicular takes 10 minutes.
- City start
- Saint-Imier, Longines
City end- Saint-Imier, Funisolaire
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
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- Main contact
- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43 info@gctourisme.ch