A medieval town on the shores of Lake Biel, La Neuveville is a place rich in memories. With its seven towers and two magnificent fountains, this picturesque town has an exceptional architectural unity linked to a prestigious past. The Red Tower, the Square Tower, the Cave de Berne, the White Church and the Market Street are all places that the guides will bring to life during these guided tours. A rich historical heritage is revealed to the visitor through anecdotes and information about this beautiful city.
- Prix de la visiteAdulte
- CHF 10.-
- Etudiant / AVS / AI
- CHF 8.-
- Enfant
- CHF 5.-
Good to know
Good to know
- Reservation and payment required, online or at the reception offices in Moutier, Saint-Imier or La Neuveville.
- Visits on may 10th and october 8th in German, other visits in French
- Public transport
- Directions
- Quai Maurice Moeckli 2520 La Neuveville +4132 752 10 00 videgrenier2520@gmail.com
Main contact- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43 info@jurabernois.ch
Guided tour of La Neuveville