(Re)discover the watchmaking town planning through the inscriptions of authors' phrases on the walls of the cities of Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds.
During an original literary journey through the two watchmaking cities, you are invited to discover 42 quotations painted on the walls by the artist Jennifer Mermod and featuring the region's authors. With the theme of time as a common thread, these texts also offer you the opportunity to appreciate the unique watchmaking town planning of the two cities.
- Single priceBook
- CHF 25.-
Good to know
Good to know
- This tour is self-guided, with the help of a book to find out more
- The book can be purchased at the Librairie la Méridienne and at Payot Libraire
- Public transport
- Directions
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Main contact
- Tourisme neuchâtelois - Montagnes Espacité 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds +41 32 889 68 95 info.cdf@ne.ch neuchateltourisme.ch
Hauteur·e·s du Temps