The Galileo has a friendly atmosphere, a warm welcome and service of good quality.
The Galileo has a friendly atmosphere, a warm welcome and service of good quality. The refined cuisine is rich in flavours and varies with the seasons. The restaurant offers new suggestions every week as well as the menu and its seasonal dishes!
Good to know
Good to know
- Opening hours:
- Lunch: Monday to Friday from 11:45 to 14:00
- Evening: Monday to Saturday from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm
- Bus line : N21 Tramelan - Saignelégier
- 33 Tramelan - Bassecourt
- 32 Tramelan - Goumois
- Kind of food
- Regional or Swiss
- Gastronomic
Type of establishment- Restaurant / Brasserie
Rooms- 40 places
Terrace seats- 50 places
On site
On site
- Accessibility
- Free parking
- Wheelchair accessible
- Services
- Free Wi-Fi
- Credit/debit card accepted
- Terrace
- Public transport
- Directions
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Links
- Restaurant Le Galileo Chemin des Lovières 13 2720 Tramelan +41 32 486 06 06
Restaurant Le Galileo