Event − Sport

slowUp Jura Agglo’balade

Discover Delémont and its surroundings on 35 kilometres of roads closed to traffic - let your legs do the work.

SlowUp Jura
SlowUp Jura
  • Place
    • Delémont

Each year in the month of June, soft mobility is one of the main topics in the canton of Jura. The slowUp features a loop route of 35 km reserved for users of bikes, roller skates, or hikers. Numerous stands in the villages along the route offer food and refreshments. Different activities for all ages are organized as well.
It will also be a great opportunity to try out the new Marathon du Jura. An endurance challenge on hard and more or less flat ground, a first in the Jura.

Good to know
Good to know
    • Each village on the route has its own entertainment programme
    • Book your room online or per phone : +41 32 432 41 60
On site
On site
  • Accessibility
    • Accessible by public transport
    • Suitable for families
    • Wheelchair accessible
  • Services
    • Suitable for groups
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
slowUp Jura Agglo’balade
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