The Equestrian network Jura and Jura bernois offers more of 1'100 kilometres of signposted horseback trails with several connections to the Canton of Neuchâtel as well as the Chasseral region. Along all these routes, accommodation with stalls and suitable restaurants can be found.
The networks in detail:
- Equestrian network of the Franches-Montagnes and surrounding areas: 340 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of Ajoie-West: 140 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of AJoie-East: 150 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of the Clos du Doubs: 90 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of Haut-Plateau & Haute-Sorne: 250 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of Delémont - Val Terbi: 140 kilometres of signposted trails
- Equestrian network of Chasseral
- Equestrian network of Neuchâtel
- Prices per personFee to use the AREJ riding trail network (for one day)
- CHF 7.-
- Topographic map of the AREJ riding trail network
- CHF 18.-
- Stickers for the equestrian networks are available at Jura Tourism offices, at the stables offering stalls for horses and can also be ordered online.
- Maps of the different networks can be purchased at the tourist offices or ordered online.
- In Canton Jura, there is a network of prepared and signposted winter trails.
- Main contact
- Jura bernois Tourisme Place de la Gare 2 2610 St-Imier +41 32 942 39 42
Main contact- Jura Tourisme Rue de la Gruère 6 2350 Saignelégier +41 32 432 41 60