Travelers who explore Tavannes are amazed by the rich industrial and urban heritage this small town has to offer.
The traveler who goes through Tavannes has no idea of the rich industrial and urban heritage that this small town harbors. Its nickname, La Surprenante (The Surprising), is not a coincidence. The itinerary of the visit through the village enables to explore a very interesting architectural, industrial and urban heritage. If the heritage of Tavannes is so rich, it is because the industrial boom, linked practically to a single company, the Tavannes Watch Co, led to a strong increase in the population and resulted in a considerable development in construction.
- Prices for groups (max. 20 persons per group)Guided tour of Tavannes
- CHF 150.-
Good to know
Good to know
- Guided tour of Tavannes Construction and industrial culture around 1900 (duration 1hr30)
- Languages French, German
- Bookings all year round, in advance
- Bus line : N21 Saignelégier - Tramelan
- 41 Les Genevez - Tavannes
On site
On site
- Activities
- Guided tours
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Main contact
- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43
Guided tour through Tavannes