The Jura is ...
The Jura: which Jura?The Jurassic: history can also be read in the landscape and in the strata!The monk's head: references to the Christian past are a feature of everyday life in the Jura.Farm - Fir - Horse: every place is marked by a cliché, but what about the Jura?A flag: Switzerland's newest canton tells its story through its flag. The screw-cutting machine: seen from the outside, the Jura is the world of watchmaking, precision and micro-mechanics.The end of the world? “Jura? But that's the end of the world...”. Reality or not?
... starting with clichés and symbols about Switzerland's newest canton, the permanent exhibition sheds light on the events and environments that have shaped the Jura and its people.
Seven areas can be visited independently of each other.
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- From 1 Jan 2017 to 1 Jan 2050
- Public transport
- Directions
- Links
- Musée Jurassien d'Art et d'Histoire 52, rue du 23-Juin 2800 Delémont