Event − Excursions, guided tours, animation

Hello Family Days au Centre Visiteurs Camille Bloch


A week-end for the families.

  • Place
    • Courtelary

Come and join the Hello Family Days! In collaboration with the Coop Hello Family Club, the Camille Bloch Visitor Center offers you an unforgettable experience around the brands Ragusa, Torino, and So Nuts. On September 28 and 29, 2024, immerse yourself in the world of Camille Bloch and enjoy a varied program from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM, specially designed for families and children.

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Opening hours
Opening hours
  • The 28 Sep 2024
  • Saturday
    • 09:30
  • The 29 Sep 2024
  • Sunday
    • 09:30
On site
On site
  • Accessibility
    • Suitable for families
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
Hello Family Days au Centre Visiteurs Camille Bloch
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