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"You know those new electric bikes? They really are great. You have to pedal but you go fast, even uphill. They make everything seem easier. That's what our friend Claude told us. He is a great fan of the electric bike and uses one to travel to work each day. So my husband and I headed to Saignelégier and went to the CJ station to hire two E-Bikes, just to try them out. We weren't disappointed. We went to Saignelégier via Lajoux, La Combe, Montfaucon, Les Enfers and La Bosse. Most of the time we used the "standard" mode, switching to "high" (meaning "help for non-athletes") for the climbs. A few miles from the end I had to change the battery, which was when I realised just how much of a help the "little motor" was. We were happy as we went home. We had done plenty of pedalling but without suffering, which made the pleasure even greater."

Marjorie and Etienne