
La Route verte

La Route Verte
La Route Verte. © Switzerland Tourism/Andre Meier
  • Length
    • 468 km
  • Ascents | Descents
    • 3'187 m | 3'177 m
    Ascents | Descents
  • Technical | Fitness level
    • Sporty | Moderatly difficult
    Technical | Fitness level

Riding comfortably on electric bikes, you follow the gentle curves of the Jura mountains, recharging your batteries in calm and revitalising nature. Throughout your trip you'll watch the beautiful landscape of the Jura arc slide by and make the most of the regional parks' many treasures.

The full route consists of 7 stages between Schaffhausen and Geneva.

- Section 1:Schaffhouse – Herznach
- Section 2: Herznach – Balsthal
- Section 3: Balsthal – St-Ursanne
- Section 4: St-Ursanne – Mont-Soleil
- Section 5 : Mont-Soleil – Couvet
- Section 6 : Couvet - Le Sentier
- Section 7 : Le Sentier – Genève


- Technically: easy to moderate
- Physically: moderate to tough

All useful and necessary information (details of sections, precise maps and itineraries, etc.) are available on the La Route Verte website.

(NB: the map below displays a simplified itinerary)

Good to know
Good to know
    • Travel in perfect simplicity along La Route Verte thanks to our partner Eurotrek.
    • With prices from CHF 995.-, the package for the week consists of 7 nights including breakfast, daily transport of luggage, optimally devised route, detailed travel documents, provision of GPS data, assistance hotline.
    • The "pleasure variants" offer shorter stops (between 30 and 50 km) and give you more time to discover the many treasures of the natural parks. Eurotrek offers three of them, with the same services as above:
    • From Schaffhausen to Delémont (5 days / 4 nights, from CHF 599.-) OPTION A
    • From Balsthal to Couvet (4 days / 3 nights, from CHF 515.-) OPTION B
    • From Couvet to Geneva (4 days / 3 nights, from 499.-) OPTION C
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Information St-Imier
Tourist office - Val-de-Travers
Lac de Joux
Route Verte stay
La Route verte
La Route verte
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