Cultural Heritage

Forge of Nods

Forge of Nods
Forge of Nods. © Grand Chasseral Tourisme
  • Place
    • Nods (domicile Bienne)

  • Recommended Duration
    • 30 Minutes

The forge of Nods, still in use today, is full of secrets and objects forged over two centuries.

A few anecdotes and a smell of coal, this is what awaits the visitor who ventures to the forge of Nods. Dating from 1876, as the inscription on the lintel indicates, this forge is a historical treasure. The current building still houses many machines dating from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, including a spring hammer. Horseshoes, pliers, chains; the main room of the forge houses many objects hanging on the walls. Three generations of blacksmiths, seven in all, have lived in the forge, which has been reborn today thanks to master mechanic Vincent Pierre-Emil Blum.

  • Package price
    maximum 10 people
    • CHF 50.-
Good to know
Good to know
    • Blacksmith’s workshop - with demonstration of the implements and machines
    • Open on request, minimum 6 people
    • Programme and activities to be defined
    • Bus line : 132 La Neuveville - Nods
On site
On site
  • Accessibility
    • Custom hours on request
    • Suitable for families
  • Services
    • Suitable for groups
Forge of Nods
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